
Ouch...That's Gotta Hurt!

A short term mission team has been in Didasko the last couple of days doing a VBS and medical clinic for our kids, as well as people from the community. This afternoon I hung out in the clinic with the doctor while he pulled impacted ear wax out of the kid’s ears (which is TOTALLY DISGUSTING by the way). Everything was going quite smoothly until a few people came into the clinic area with Franklin (a boy that attends school in Didasko). He had fallen off the monkey bars and obviously had a broken arm. We called his mom, loaded them up, and headed to the hospital. The doctor said he could try to set it, but it was such a severe break, he really thought he would need surgery. We told him to go ahead and try to set it, and if it needed surgery we would cross that bridge when we got there. After the most impressive yet disturbing move I've ever seen, the doctor set his arm, and it looks like he'll be just fine. Praise Jesus he won't need surgery!! To celebrate a brand new cast and no surgery I told Franklin we could go wherever he wanted for dinner, so Popeye's Chicken it was. Nothing like fried chicken and a strawberry sundae to put a smile back on your face.

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