
It's Official

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my brother and his family have been in town, and I haven't been able to spend much time on the computer. I graduated last Thursday! I can't believe it's actually official, I am done with school...YAY!!! The current plan is to head back to the States for a little while (I fly to Texas next Friday) and then head to Honduras in October. I'm very excited and a little nervous. It's been super hard to say goodbye to so many people I've grown to love. Some of the hardest goodbye's come Monday, you can pray a little extra for me that day. I'm packing suitcases and tying up all the loose ends this week. I'll be in WA at the beginning of September. I'm excited to see everyone. Here's a couple videos they played at graduation. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Graduate!! I hope I'll get a chance to see you when you head up to the Northwest in Sept. Blessings on your venture in Honduras!